martes, 30 de agosto de 2016


Hello world,
My name is Magin. I am very good looking boy, young ( born about March 2015) and I am about 60 centimetros high.
I was abandonated on street and now I live in a hotel for dog. I don't understand why I must be in a kennel :(. I want a family that love me forever, a family wich I could walk and run away and play. I promise that I will give a lot of love to them.
Please, share me everywhere. I am sure that somewhere, a family is waiting to meet me.
If you would be my family, please, write to
Best regards.

miércoles, 6 de julio de 2016


Buddy, as many others, was rescued from wandering alone in dangerous roads, looking for food and some attention of a passerby. 
Very loving, absolutely a lapdog. A fun and attentive dog. Good energy and playful with the other dogs. Loves to play with balls. Sweet and cuddly with humans.
Buddy is about 4 years old ( born about May 2012) and he is castrated. He is about 65 centimetros high.
If you would adopt to Buddy, please, write to

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016


Gaby was abandonated in a town of Murcia and he was put in a kennel.
There, he is sad because he doesn't understand why nobody want adopt him.
He loves run and walk. He is good with other dogs, male and female. He only want everybody give to him hugs.
Gaby is about 4 years old ( born about February 2012). He is about 70 centimetros high.
If you would adopt this big lovely dog, please write to